Have you ever ended up with a clogged drain? Don’t worry, it’s more common than you might think. Plumbing Manufacturers International says that about 13.7% of all water use is caused by leaks. That’s a lot of water! Fortunately, there are steps you can take to save your drains and avoid the hassle of figuring out plumbing work by yourself. Let’s look at some things you should never put down your drain!
1. Oils
Just cooked up some pasta sauce or salad dressing? Make sure not to pour any extra oil down the drain or you might find yourself calling your local plumbing company later on. Oils are a major cause of clogs due to their ability to congeal and block drains. Oils can end up clinging to the insides of pipes and creating water-resistant barriers. Instead, try to avoid letting oil-based foods go to waste.
2. Rice and Pasta
Foods like rice and pasta are delicious but can wreak havoc on the drain. That’s because of their ability to easily slip down the drain, become stuck, and then swell up when water runs down the pipes. Don’t let pasta night turn into drain line replacement night!
3. Produce Stickers
Those stickers that you find on fruit and vegetables can be a surprising cause of clogged drains. They may be hard to see on some products, and can easily fall off when washing your fresh food, leading them to quickly slip into the sink. To avoid having to call a local plumbing company later on and remember to peel off the stickers before you wash your produce.
4.Cleaning Products
Old cleaning products and harsh chemicals should never be poured down the drain. Not only can this cause major water pollution, but it can also be harmful to the pipes depending on what products you are disposing of. A better solution is to take your old products to your local Hazardous Household Waste collection center- most of them even have drop-off hours or collection days!
5. Hair
Have you ever been in the shower and watched your spare hairs slowly swim their way down the drain? While it may be tempting to simply wash all of your loose hairs away, this can quickly lead to a build-up of hair. To avoid a clogged drain in the future, you can purchase a drain catcher, which will catch all of the hair so you can throw it in the trash instead of letting it build up in your pipes.
Remember, if you aren’t completely sure whether or not something is safe to go down the drain, you can always do a quick search online- It’s better than having a clogged drain after all!