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Unclogging A Tub Drain

Few household problems are as annoying and occur as regularly as a clogged tub drain. The problem is generally caused by a combination of hair and soap, which combine to make a hairball of nightmarish proportions. Not only do tub drains deal see a lot more hair than your average sink drain, the pipes are […]

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September is National Baby Safety Month

September is National Baby Safety month and the team at My Plumber Heating and Cooling would like to remind parents of some basic safety rules that can protect babies and toddlers from plumbing-related accidents in the home. The law requires manufacturers of home water heaters to set the thermostat at 120°F. The reason for this […]

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Keeping Baby Safe in the Bathroom

It happens: a young parent steps out of the bathroom and leaves the baby sitting in a tub of water “for just a minute”.The result is a tragedy from which that parent will never recover. Somehow we always think, that can never happen to me but each year babies and toddlers continue to suffer burns […]

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